Infamous San Fran IT Admin Gets Four Years for Hijacking City’s FiberWAN Network!5607450/infamous-san-fran-it-admin-gets-four-years-for-hijacking-citys-fiberwan-network

Jack Loftus — Terry Childs, the systems administrator made infamous back in July 2008 when he installed secret backdoor access to San Francisco’s FiberWAN network and refused to give up the passwords, has finally been sentenced to serve four years in prison.

Childs was convicted by a judge in April for violating California hacking laws and received his four-year sentence this week.

For the duration of the trial, Childs defended his refusal to turn over the network passwords by saying his supervisor, Department of Technology and Information Services Chief Operations Officer Richard Robinson, was “unqualified” to receive them. Eventually, he gave them to San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom.

Judging from the comments today at Boing Boing even the ones from two years ago here at Gizmodo, this has been a polarizing issue, with camps on both sides vehemently arguing their case against and in support of this sys admin. Either way, four years seems a bit harsh, no? Agree or disagree in the comments, please. [Computer Security Online via Boing Boing]