Ray Allen’s Wife Launches “Pre-Game Meal”


Ray Allen’s success as an NBA player hinges on his ability to launch three-pointers. His wife, Shannon Allen, just launched her new TV show, “Pre-Game Meal,” with a party at Winston Flowers in Chestnut Hill. An auction at the party raised $15,000 for the Allen’s Ray of Hope Foundation. Flo Allen Hopson, chefs Ming Tsai and Carla and Christine Pallotta, Rajon Rondo and his fiancee, Ashley Bachelor, Kendrick and Vanity Perkins, Julie Pierce, Brandi Garnett, and Steve Pagliuca attended. Other guests included Wes Welker, Satch Sanders, Linda Henry, and Liz Brunner. The show premieres February 12 at 11 a.m. on NECN. [Herald]