All the Trimmings

By Christopher Muther
Globe Staff / December 16, 2010
In the living room, a klatch of Celtic wives and girlfriends are lingering by Ray and Shannon Allen’s 12-foot Christmas tree. The Allen’s four children, ranging in age from toddler to teen, are either running out to practice, or looking for mom, who has been sequestered in the expansive dining room for a moment of quiet conversation. The quiet conversation is proving to be a challenge. Decorators from Winston Flowers are hanging a massive pine garland along the banister, and the occasional sound of a smashing ornament can be heard coming from the next room when the couple’s youngest child gets near the tree.
“Yes, my house is like Grand Central Station,’’ says Shannon, 36, who is casual about the chaos, especially around the holidays. “It’s always this way. We’ve got big families and there are always guests coming through.’’
The couple’s Wellesley home is slightly more chaotic on this particular afternoon because Shannon, looking preternaturally calm, is getting the large house ready for its close-up. Knowing a reporter is coming by to talk about holiday prep in the Allen household and a photographer will soon follow, the brood is particularly festive and well-groomed. The tree is perfectly coordinated with purple, pink, silver, and pale green ornaments. The dining room table is immaculately set, and could it be that the toys and games have been conveniently tucked away for the day?