Dan Brian, Young Gay Man, Comes Out To His Mother On YouTube (VIDEO)

2/24/2012   HuffPost Gay Voice

A young gay man’s poignant coming out to his mother is making the blogosphere rounds.

As Dan Brian notes on his YouTube page, “Finally got the strength to come out to my mom…I decided to post this so that I could share my experience with you. Hopefully it will give hope to those who do not have such supportive families.”

Though heartwarming, the authenticity of the video has been questioned on Twitter, to which the 24-year-old has responded, “If she did know [it was being filmed] she would’ve worn better pants!”

The video comes on the heels of Randy Phillips, the gay U.S. Airman whose post-“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” admission to his parents went viral after he uploaded it to YouTube last fall.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article incorrectly identified Dan Brian as a teen. He is 24 years old.

