Monica Lewinsky Continues To Regret Her Public Life – On National Geographic Channel Docu | 6/3/2014

National Geographic Channel released the names of six people who had “unanticipated brushes with fame” in the 1990s, and will participate in the network’s upcoming documentary The 90′s: The Last Great Decade? Among them: Monica Lewinsky, whose “unanticipated” brush with fame involves having an affair with the President of the United States, spilling the beans, saving the dress, and being stunned by the reax in Washington and in the media. Lewinsky is best known these days as the media victim who “stalks her past, yanking us back to when she flashed her black thong,” as Maureen Dowd wrote in the New York Times back in 2002, when Lewinsky came to the TV Press Tour after successfully pitching to HBO a documentary about herself, for which she reportedly was paid $150,000. In today’s announcement, NatGeo is happy to play along with Lewinsky’s carefully crafted storyline, calling her the “White House intern whose relationship with Bill Clinton led to her becoming a legal target in an investigation and a media target like the world had never seen before.”

This year, Lewinsky re-emerged, having penned a piece about her victimhood — regrets the affair, dreads a Hillary Clinton run in 2016 because the paparazzi are sure to stalk her, etc. –  for Vanity Fair. The left thinks the piece was orchestrated by the right, to embarrass presumed presidential candidate Clinton, but Dick Cheney’s wife, Lynne, has told Fox News Channel she believes it was orchestrated by Hillary’s camp to get it out of the way now.

Other newly named docu participants joining Lewinsky in the newly released Unanticipated Brushes With Fame-rs list include:

– Kevin Powell and Julie Gentry, who signed on for the first edition of MTV’s The Real World and “helped to create the reality TV revolution.”

– Christopher Darden, the Los Angeles DA assigned to the prosecution team trying OJ Simpson for the murder of his ex-wife and her friend.

– Richard Dean, an employee of the Social Security office at the federal building on Oklahoma City who saved the lives of three people in the blast that killed 168.

– Titus Murphy, who sped to the scene of the attack on truck driver Reginald Denny as it played out live on TV, in the wake of the Rodney King verdict, and helped Denny to safety.

– Judy Sheppard, whose son, Matthew was beaten, tortured, and left to die because he was gay.

Remind me, why does NatGeo believe the 90s should even be considered for Last Great Decade status?

Lewinsky and the rest of the gang will join previously announced participants Jason Alexander, Roseanne Barr, Shannen Doherty, Vanilla Ice, Courtney Love, Matthew Perry, Martin Sheen, James Van Der Beek, Colin Powell, Tony Blair, Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani.